After Luke's mother passed away as a teenager, Luke experienced grief, depression, feeling lost, school grades dropped, etc. Luke entered into a wilderness therapy program followed by a boarding school. As a young adult, Luke transitioned to Pacia Life Puerto Rico as a gap experience before moving to Salt Lake City.
The Grand Dream - Tatori Life Coaching
Sustainable self-reliance.
Work, earn, and live independently.
Write, record, produce, and publish music.
Become healthier, both mentally and physically.
No longer feel like a “program kid."
Puerto Rico Experience
Increased self-efficacy and self-confidence through a number of different adventure therapy models including surfing and mountain biking.
Finish high school.
Therapeutic supports around past life events.
Salt Lake City Experience
Class enrollment at BEAU University for audio engineering and music production.
Interned with Pacia’s community mentor Trevor Price and recording studio owner to complete an entire music album, including copywriting process and online presence for purchase.
To see the recording studio, click here.
Got the first job ever as a busboy in a restaurant. Moved up in the company to hold many positions, eventually attending goal as a cook. Was able to apply that experience and move jobs to a much fancier (ie: better paying) restaurant.
Through consistent sessions with personal trainers, chefs, and therapists at Pacia, lost over 40 pounds, adopted a vegan diet, and incorporated meditation into daily life practice.
Consistently worked through Pacia’s financial curriculum, which enabled him to buy a car and move to independent housing.
After learning about investing, became motivated to begin a Roth-IRA (Individual Retirement Account), maxing out annual contribution limits.
Even if Luke never adds another penny to this investment after his time at Pacia, with average market returns, this one account alone will be worth over half a million dollars when he reaches retirement age.
Has made Salt Lake City his permanent home and is thriving in personal independence.