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My Pacia experience - Luke

Updated: Jun 10, 2020

After Luke's mother passed away as a teenager, Luke experienced grief, depression, feeling lost, school grades dropped, etc. Luke entered into a wilderness therapy program followed by a boarding school. As a young adult, Luke transitioned to Pacia Life Puerto Rico as a gap experience before moving to Salt Lake City.

The Grand Dream - Tatori Life Coaching

  • Sustainable self-reliance.

  • Work, earn, and live independently.

  • Write, record, produce, and publish music.

  • Become healthier, both mentally and physically.

  • No longer feel like a “program kid."

Puerto Rico Experience

  • Increased self-efficacy and self-confidence through a number of different adventure therapy models including surfing and mountain biking.

  • Finish high school.

  • Therapeutic supports around past life events.

Salt Lake City Experience

  • Class enrollment at BEAU University for audio engineering and music production.

  • Interned with Pacia’s community mentor Trevor Price and recording studio owner to complete an entire music album, including copywriting process and online presence for purchase.

  • Got the first job ever as a busboy in a restaurant. Moved up in the company to hold many positions, eventually attending goal as a cook. Was able to apply that experience and move jobs to a much fancier (ie: better paying) restaurant.

  • Through consistent sessions with personal trainers, chefs, and therapists at Pacia, lost over 40 pounds, adopted a vegan diet, and incorporated meditation into daily life practice.

  • Consistently worked through Pacia’s financial curriculum, which enabled him to buy a car and move to independent housing.

  • After learning about investing, became motivated to begin a Roth-IRA (Individual Retirement Account), maxing out annual contribution limits.

  • Even if Luke never adds another penny to this investment after his time at Pacia, with average market returns, this one account alone will be worth over half a million dollars when he reaches retirement age.

  • Has made Salt Lake City his permanent home and is thriving in personal independence.

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