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Why didn't they teach me this in school?

Book review by Randy Oakley (original post was October, 2014 but was updated on June 30th, 2020)

This book or similar life coaching lessons is a no brainer. Author Siegel teaches "99 personal money management principles to live by."

The bottom line is that nearly every person over the age of 35 wishes they would have learned more about money management and stuck to the principals at a young age.

Pacia Life coaches have access to over 200 lessons in personal finance curriculum. As of June 2020, a new student record was set with a current student in Salt Lake City having over $15,000 in their savings account.

Other past Pacia Life students continue to report using what they learned in Pacia Life and having $26,000, $40,000 and one past student reports having over $100,000 saved up as a 30-year-old.

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