Housing Options
Most Pacia Gap students are from out of state or from another country. Pacia Life offers apartments for sublet included in the cost of tuition. Over time, most young adults eventually find their own housing.
Even in normal situations without COVID, Pacia housing is much like on-campus housing at a University.
Occasionally, some tenants in Pacia housing are not Pacia students.
Guest inside of Pacia houses and apartments requires approval in order to maintain the protection and privacy of each tenant.
As of April 1st, 2020 due to COVID-19, no one other than tenants with signed housing agreements and pre-approved life coaches is allowed into student housing. (This includes family members and outside tours).
Residents can host other friends and guests in outdoor courtyards, pool areas, and lobby lounge areas if face coverings are in use and physical distancing is observed.
Pacia Life housing tenants are expected to follow state and CDC guidelines. At this time, all should take extreme precautions, wear face coverings, follow strict hygiene standards, minimize in-person in favor of virtual interactions, and maintain a physical distance of 6 feet from others when outside the home.

Salt lake living
Currently, all Pacia housing units are located from downtown Salt Lake City, the Trolley Square area, off of the University of Utah with some options in Sugar House for students also attending Westminster College.
Upon arrival, the Pacia Life coaching team will assign housing.
Younger students are generally located in housing that has a residential mentor living nearby.
After arrival, students can request changes.