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  • What is the history of Atlas Life
    Atlas Life (AKA Pacia Life previously) had its informal beginnings in 2007 and kept building over time until the team decided to expand services and open additional locations in May of 2013. In the beginning, people came seeking Life Coaching support specific to being more efficient in the grit, resiliency, and rigor of traditional college education while paying their way through college. Others came seeking guidance in entrepreneurship, apprenticeships, career development in the workforce, international cultural service, and mental health support while achieving other life goals. Today, through the motivational interviewing portion of the Tatori System, most student goals fall into one or more of five specific tracks: 1. Traditional high school and college education (PARC Services) 2. Non-traditional experiential education and career 3. Entrepreneurship 4. Independent financial freedom 5. Personal goal development (Clinical Services, Yoga, Meditation, Personal Education, etc.) 6. International Study Abroad, GAP Year, Domestic and International Service Missions, etc. Today, there are several geographic locations that young adults can pick from.
  • What if my “dreams” include things like international service, a GAP year, or starting my own business?"
    Let's GO!!!! We love to do business coaching and assist those seeking to start their own businesses, international cultural immersion experiences, career-based apprenticeships, investments, crowdfunding, marketing strategies, finances, taxes, etc. For those who wish to incorporate an international GAP experience into their goals, Pacia Life has programs that include a multitude of countries, including Peru, Costa Rica, Mexico, Nepal, Europe, New Zealand, and some unique places closer to home like Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico, Currently, in a post-COVID world, we mostly use a partner organization that models our model in Spain.
  • What is the average length of stay?
    In our locations located in the United States, where young adults engage in everything from formal education to building their own businesses to creating self-reliance, the average time of our young adults living in housing provided by Pacia Life is eight to nine months before moving into their own housing and starting step up services. Time, experience, and years of outcome follow-up show that most young adults spend the first 3 to 6 months learning and going up and downs in their overall progress before starting to put all the puzzle pieces together in ways that it sticks and last. (What we call level 2 Tatori). Young adults typically also utilize our step-up services after establishing their own housing. Young adults taking advantage of opportunities overseas in GAP year experiences typically spend four to six months and then transfer to another Pacia Life location in the United States or directly into an independent educational or independent living based on their own goals. Unless pre-arrangements have been made and agreed to in advance, each student is expected to commit to at least 90 days. This three-month commitment is based on historical outcomes that show that actual results for most young adults are based on the following: 1. Adult like relationships that transfer from a parent-child relationship to adult-coaching relationships. 2. Overwhelming mastery life experiences that build self-efficacy that transfer into real-life results. 3. Enough time to produce what Pacia Coaches refer to as the power of habit or level II Tatori. (Students that thrive the most combined level 2 and level 3 Tatori). The average length of stay is largely dependent upon the specific goals and which one of the five to six tracks that the Life Coaching student is pursuing. We can answer this question more fully after the Life Coaching student interviews have taken place in the admission process. Using the Tatori method of strength-based personal empowerment, we assist our students in not only achieving self-reliance we also assist them in learning to thrive in life. Depending upon individualized goals and which of the five tracks a student is signed up for will determine the needed length of time. For example, a student who is in a college or entrepreneurial track may take longer than a student who is on a financial independence track. Pacia life is based on the premise that peace comes into our lives when self-reliance and independent living becomes sustainable within a chosen life map. In order to reach “sustainable self-reliance,” it is essential that each young adult not only learns tangible daily habits but that certain thinking patterns and paradigms must also shift. Whatever your past situation may have been, we focus on learning from the past, loving our present life, and building a sustainable future with real results. Real results do take time – the length of time it takes is completely up to how hard you work and how focused you stay every day.
  • Why a semester (4 months) min?
    Colleges and GAP year programs mostly work on semesters. Most of our students stay 8 to 12 months in our housing with food, utilities, etc is provided. This allows our students to focus on personal goals and results with the stress of paying their own bills and other responsibilities. Then, most of our students. move into their own housing and use our "step up" coaching support services for a few more months to make sure. things keep going well!
  • If a young adult is of legal age, can they openly use E-Cigs, tobacco, and alcohol?"
    First of all, never in our housing. Upon arrival, we ask all of our Life Coaching students to refrain from “distractions” for the first 30 days. Our systems and research have found that much of our outer success comes from personal habits, nutrition, exercise, meditation, visualization, daily education, etc. "We find that when we give our bodies what they need through healthy habits, our whole life improves." Alta Life will help purchase nicotine patches and the like to help people who want to quit. We will not purchase other products for you. After 30 days, a team meeting will ensure to discuss how you are achieving your primary goals and if introducing these things back into your life will change your stated goals. Our goal is to minimize distractions in the first few months until other key elements and personal daily success habits are in place.
  • What about pets and Emotional Support Animals:
    Most of housing are pet friending. Here is more information. 1. There are additional pet deposits required by the land lords. 2. Some breeds are not allowed. 3. Atlas Life doesn't pay for pet food, vet bills, grooming, etc. 4. There a very through walk through the apartment, that is video taped, that will identify any damage to carpets, a scratch on the fridge, furniture, etc. 5. Room mates with allergies complicate things. Service Dogs like a very well trained seeing eye dog is very welcome Emotional Support Animals: 1 A lot of people across the US have abused this. 2. One new, but unwritten rule, is that if you need your EMS animal to go to work with you, to school with, and not need lleave them. unattended for 8 to10 hours a day, then they are for real. If the ESA basically stays unattended the majority off the day, In Salt Lake City, we do require every student with an animal to do at least four (4) sessions with Coach Kim. Kim is a professional trainer (like the kind who trains dogs to be seeing eye dogs, search and rescue dogs, etc. She is amazing you wil learn a lot! Lastly, we do require an extra $1,000 deposit for dog food, vet care, etc. Any unused portion is refunded back to the parents.
  • Can I take pictures:
    Of course, you can! It's your GAP experience, and most of our students do some really awesome things. Everything from earning vocational and college degrees to learning to surf, snow ski, rock climb, yoga, do personal Tatori sessions, attending. A concert with friends, or cooking a yummy meal at home! Especially for our young adults who get the chance to travel abroad, a picture is worth 1000 words! Pictures and social media and sharing your GAP experience should be part of your experience. If anyone. doesn't feel comfortable with having their picture taken, that is OK too! Just. Stay out of the picture or volunteer to be the photographer!
  • Will I get to pick my roommate?
    Upon arrival, you will be assigned a room and room mate. As time goes on, if you find another student that you really like, talk to your coaches to see if a room shift is possible.
  • Can I date while in Pacia Life?
    After the first 90 days and after each student has solid, measurable progress moving in their own Tatori goals, we encourage healthy dating, social life in the community, and more! Pacia Life coaches know that the friends you hang out with the most are a major part of predicting your future success. In fact, most Pacia Life coaches are bold enough to say things like, show me your friends and who you are dating, and I can tell you your future. Our coaches can connect you with relationship and dating coaches and some outstanding experiences on how to attract the right people into your life! In fact, if dating and having relationships are important to you, we want to help you! We are pretty good dating coaches and believe it's a healthy and normal thing to do when you are ready! One rule: Pacia Life students are highly discouraged from dating other Pacia Life students. You have the whole world to date! Please don't interfere with the process of other students. However, if you really feel the desire to date other Pacia Life students, we are happy to engage the two of you in our relationship coaching classes immediately!
  • Do you drug test?
    YES! Our housing is considered like living on a college campus and is considered sober housing. We do drug testing for a number of reasons. We have learned that in order to benefit from the Tatori Life Coaching Method that illegal drugs have no place. Also, Pacia networks with international GAP partners, apprenticeships in the local communities, colleges, landlords, etc., and has a reputation for having quality Life Coaching students who have been screened and are ready to work.
  • What would get me expelled from Pacia Life?
    1. If a student needs a higher clinical level of care. 2. If a student's behavior is negatively impacting other students and needs a higher level of care. 3. Trouble with the law will be reviewed. 4. Self-care and safety for self, property, or for others in the community will result in a higher level of care.
  • Can I have my own car?
    Yes, as long as you can support 50 to 100% of the cost of the car. A financial coach can sit down and do a spreadsheet with you on those costs. Students are not allowed to transport other students.
  • By choosing to enroll and participate in Pacia Life participants agree to the following:
    The release of liability. As legal adults, you are expected to be responsible for your safety. You agree to release any location doing business under the name of Pacia, its agents, and employees from any claims or liabilities of any kind whatsoever, arising from or related to my participation in these activities. You may be required to sign your own liability releases for specific activities in the local community such as taking surf lessons, rock climbing and a wide range of other options. Photo Release By enrolling in Pacia Life, you agree to grant to any business doing business under the Pacia name and its authorized representative’s permission to record on photographic film and/or video, pictures of my participation. You further agree that any or all of the material photographed may be used, in any form, as part of any future publications, social media, brochure, or other printed materials used to promote Pacia or to share your experiences with others, and further that such use shall be without payment of fees, royalties, special credit or other compensation. Participation in Research Pacia Life takes part in research projects in conjunction with local Universities and conducts it’s own outcome studies.
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