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Family empowerment

& support

top predictors of success: grit, resiliency and a visionary plan
Top predictor of failure: enabling parent

The number one predictor of success is directly tied to the student’s ability to take self-efficacy and grit and turn it into daily habits and results. This is a major part of what our Life Coaches work on. It starts with teaching how to think differently so that we will do differently. It is founded deeply in intrinsic motivators, self-efficacy, self-determination, grit, resiliency, daily habits of success and much more. But one of the underlining challenges that plague many of our young adults is that they tend to still hold a strong child like dependency for monetary and emotional needs on their parents. That dependency needs to transfer from the parents to Pacia Life coaches and then eventually, it will turn into the independence that is age appropriate.

The number one predictor of failure that will destroy any chance of success — a parent who consciously or subconsciously keeps the dependency of their adult child on them as parents. Since we started tracking outcomes in 2013, 92% of Parents/Families who learn simple, yet empowering, communication with their young adult child end up with sustainable long-term successful outcomes.

Sadly, the success rate drops to 5% when parents cannot change their need to “helicopter,” be their child’s BFF, to make phone calls behind the scenes to “fix” things for their child because they don’t believe their adult child is powerful enough to do it on their own or to control their young adult and/or life coaching staff from afar.

Much like learning to ride a bike, falling and getting a skinned knee is part of the process of normal life. If parents provide financial safety nets or focus on rescuing their adult child from life’s rites of passages, the chance of success is low.

Pacia Life offers parent empowerment coaching where we help parents take on the role of being the investor in their adult child’s life. Please call us for more details on how this process works.

parent empowerment

courses offered by
pacia life:

Empowering Parents to Empower Their Adult Child

During these six pre-scheduled sessions, parents do the foundational work necessary to prepare to positively change their relationship with their adult child forever.

The Investor Relationship

During these three to six sessions, a Life Coach will guide each adult through a new way of communication. This includes reporting personal progress to one another, with the intention of the coach being able to back out of these conversations in the future. Parents and their adult children will learn “essentialism” and focus of what to discuss, what to invest in, when to help, and when to stay out of the way.

The Tatori Method

During these two to four scheduled sessions, parents and family members go through a simplified version of the Tatori Method for themselves and how it applies to their relationship with their adult child.

Pacia Life
Parent Empowerment Coaches

Often, it’s not that a parent is doing anything wrong. But, they may not be doing some essential things right. Our parent empowerment coaching session is designed to prepare for our 4 step empowerment phone calls and updates that will start to take place after the first 60 to 90 days of enrollment.

Parent Empowerment Coaches provide parents specific guidance through a strength-based approach to help empower their young adult children and expect them to live up to their potential. They will help guide you through some simple, yet powerful paradigm shifts that must take place in our young adults so they can find their self-efficacy, inner strength, and accountability in an adult world of responsibility.

Parent empowerment coaches also provide support, guidance, and encouragement for parents who are navigating their way through an experience that is unfamiliar and challenging. Our parent empowerment coaches are seasoned, and uniquely familiar with the struggles parents face as they strive to understand and embrace the goals of the Pacia Life experience while learning to develop new and distinctive parenting roles with their adult children.

Parent empowerment coaching provides interactive phone sessions to assist with improving communication skills, establishing healthy age-appropriate boundaries, exploring parenting patterns, gaining a clearer understanding of learning styles and academic challenges and preparing parents for visits, workshops and each phase of transition. These sessions are not to give a parent an update on how their child is doing. Instead, they are designed to assist a parent to be able to talk with their adult child and get accurate information from them.

parent empowerment TOPICS

  • Working through Latency Issues in Young Adulthood. Understanding this generation’s strengths and some of the unique challenges.

  • Resiliency: the “R” in GRIT and how to empower success

  • Yours: iY or Millennial—How to shift YOUR parenting mind

  • Academics for Career, or Career Training for Employment?

  • Definitions of Dependence/Independence: Meeting Your Adult Son or Daughter’s Special Needs

  • Noting shifts of success, communication styles, and how it all impacts result’s orientated outcomes

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